Package-level declarations


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Exclude a property from mapping

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annotation class JoinMany(val elemConverter: KClass<out ValueConverter> = ValueConverter::class, val childEntityType: KClass<*> = Any::class)

Indicate that a property is a collection of one-to-many child objects in a "LEFT JOIN" query Child object must have at least one property annotated as an identifying column.

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Indicate that a property is a one-to-one object, which must have at least one property annotated as an identifying column. If all identifying columns are null, then this one-to-one property will be null.

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annotation class MappedProperty(val name: String = "", val isId: Boolean = false, val valueConverter: KClass<out ValueConverter> = ValueConverter::class)

Indicate that a property is a column value or a parameter value.

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Indicate that there are MappedProperty and other mapping-annotations-annotated properties nested within this object.

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open class ValueConverter

Used by MappedProperty annotation and JoinMany annotation to indicate a value should be converted when getting value from ResultSet and setting a parameter in PreparedStatement.