It is highly recommended to use this library with Typescript.
npm install @qualified-cactus/promised-db
Use type ObjectStoreDef
and class IndexDef
to define object store(s) and index(es) respectively.
It is recommened to group related definitions in a namespace or module to avoid repetitive name
such as "TodoTaskTypeWithoutKey", "TodoTaskObjectStore", etc...
namespace TodoTask {
// define TypeWithoutKey if you use auto-generated inline key(s)
export interface TypeWithoutKey {
name: string
completed: number // 0 for false, 1 for true
export interface Type extends TypeWithoutKey {
id: number
export const ObjectStore: ObjectStoreDef<Type, number, TypeWithoutKey> = {
name: "todo-tasks",
options: {
keyPath: "id",
autoIncrement: true
export const NameIndex = new IndexDef<string>(
"todo-task-name-index", // index name
"name", // index path
{ unique: true } // index's options
export const CompletedIndex = new IndexDef<number>(
"todo-task-completed-index", // index name
"completed", // index path
Use the class DatabaseDef
to define a database.
const TodoTaskDbDef = new DatabaseDef(
"todo-tasks-db", // db name
1, // version
// upgrade handler
(db, oldVersion, newVersion) => {
if (oldVersion < 1) {
const objectStore = db.createObjectStore(TodoTask.ObjectStore)
async function doOperation() {
const db: Database = await
await db.transaction(
[TodoTask.ObjectStore], // transaction's scope
"readwrite", // mode
async (transaction) => {
// find the first completed todo-task in db and delete it
const todoTaskObjectStore = transaction.objectStore(TodoTask.ObjectStore)
const completedIndex = todoTaskObjectStore.index(TodoTask.CompletedIndex)
const task = await completedIndex.get(1)
if (task) {
await todoTaskObjectStore.delete(
// key range can be created from Index definition
const nameIndex = todoTaskObjectStore.index(TodoTask.NameIndex)
// get all tasks with name greater than "bazz"
const tasksList = await nameIndex.getAll(TodoTask.NameIndex.lowerBound("bazz"))
// iterate over keys of index / objectstore
await nameIndex.iterator.iterateKeys(async (cursor)=>{
console.log(cursor.key) // access index key
console.log(cursor.primaryKey) // access primary key
// break iteration if key equals "foo"
if (cursor.key === "foo") {
return true // return true to break iteration early
// iterate over objects of index / objectstore
await nameIndex.iterator.iterateValues(async (cursor)=>{
console.log(cursor.key) // access index key
console.log(cursor.primaryKey) // access primary key
console.log(cursor.value) // access object
await cursor.update({...cursor.value, name: "new name"}) // update value using cursor
await cursor.delete() // or delete value using cursor
query: TodoTask.NameIndex.lowerBound("a"), // iterate over name starting with "a",
direction: "prev" // descending order
WARNING: Perform other long-running async operation (fetching api, etc...) inside transaction will cause TransactionInactiveError
The reason is that IndexedDB autocommit when there is no pending database operation within a brief period of time.