Interface CursorIterationOption<IK, PK>

interface CursorIterationOption<IK, PK> {
    direction?: IDBCursorDirection;
    from?: {
        key: IK;
        primaryKey?: PK;
    limit?: number;
    offset?: number;
    query?: IK | IDBKeyRange;

Type Parameters

  • IK

  • PK


direction?: IDBCursorDirection
from?: {
    key: IK;
    primaryKey?: PK;

Specify where the cursor should start from (inclusive). IDBCursor.continue is used if primaryKey is undefined. If it is not, IDBCursor.continuePrimaryKey is used instead.

Type declaration

  • key: IK
  • Optional primaryKey?: PK
limit?: number

Limit the number of results iterated

offset?: number

If specified, IDBCursor.advance is used before iteration.

query?: IK | IDBKeyRange